Just feel like writing it down!
The best accommodations I’ve ever had in NZ so far! Was not expecting this at all, still couldn’t believe I’ve manifested my dream room! Hotel-class room, modern design, en-suite, smart TV, simple kitchen, wardrobe, super comfy bed, amazing view, been single room for 2 weeks and had a lovely roommate for the last week, WOW, how great is that?! It is like almost 80% of what I dreamt of, for a staff rental rate, WOW. I am so so grateful, though it was only for three weeks. Every time I had a bad day during this season and came back the room, I was like, gosh everything is gonna be fine, I had manifested something awesome. And it did!
Surely this will happen again, the best is yet to come.
Was not a big fan of cherry until I actually worked for it. I ate like more than hundred cherries on my first day. Omg I love it, especially those big fat shinny export-class cherry, missing the texture so much while typing this! There were some good and bad orchards, trees, and days, but when I rewind, I am really grateful for the sunrises, everything warmed up after 7.30am, love all the orchards I’ve been, trees I’ve met and cherries I’ve eaten and picked. 🍒

One of my favourite moments and people during the season. I remember so much details of that night, probably because I was not drunk. My favourite couples and me, being their sober driver, I was exhausted to join after work but I am glad I did. We were in Queenstown, having dinner and drinks by the lake, with breezing wind and cruising ducks. Did some rock skipping, could never do over two skips. Went to Casino, girls talked, guys gambled. Headed to few parties. Good fun, good time. Chilled at the wharf, talking random shits as usual. Might not happen again in a while, but that was kind of memories I’d keep for a long time. Make it one of the reasons why I love Queenstown, not only just the beauty of itself, and the people I spent time with.
Cheers to see you guys again.

What a trail, that almost kill myself. Never know trail means mountain biking that’s why I was so dead. Four of us had zero idea it is an easy-intermediate trail. I was expected something leisure and chill, just like cruising around Singapore or DPC maybe? I am not a good cyclist, can’t even bike with one hand, can’t even balance well even with two hands. All the narrow parts, endless uphills, sharp turn downhills, are way too beyond my ability. If I knew we are going to ride these in advance I would definitely just chill at home. Never feel that much fear that lasts for hours. Most of the time I was thinking there is no way I can make it. And this girl here encouraged the shit out of me, tried so hard to let me have at least a little bit of fun. At least for now when I think back, I am so glad that she was there. And thanks to another two guys who keep encouraging me as well. Gosh I’m so useless in this… and I’m not afraid to admit it lol. Photo taken at the submit of Lake Dunston trail. Me ded.
No more mountain biking for me. I am done……
But other than this, I am extremely grateful we met again.
She is one of my best buddies in NZ, I am always soooooo excited to see her!!! <3 Hopped to Queenstown once a week just for milk tea, ice skating, talking shits, living in the same house for few days, and all those little moments we hung out together! They say best friends usually don’t have a nice photo so here we are, after-work-ugly-dumb look. Hope she will never find out! But it’s okay if you do, no one will really discover here, just written for my own record and memory!!!
And the 5-week South Island trip wrapped with Caleb the absolute legend. It wouldn’t be perfect without you! Second time visiting Queenstown and we love it so much this time. The lake, the mountain , the room we stayed, the balcony, the spa, the Ferg burger. Wow, the Ferg burger! We did something big——Nevis Swing! The biggest Swing in the world! This is way beyond your imagination! You are so afraid of height but you did it, I am so proud of you! This one week no budget holiday is super awesome and I am sure we will do it at somewhere else again and again and again.
What a season! It’s different than what I thought my summer will be, but everything works out awesome and again become another memorable summer! I am grateful and joyful, and I believe the best is always on the way!