











但最好的是,在这一年我得到了此生最宝贵的礼物,以前种下的种子适时发芽,让我如实地明白,内心真正的平静、喜悦、和谐、爱 —— 生命的本来面目,原来是这样。像海洋一样。我浅浅地碰到了海水,越深入,越发现这是一片无限的海洋,每一次,都像是第一次见到一样,都觉得之前的每一次潜入,都只是浅浅地碰到了它。







Slow down


Equanimity - a balanced mind. Not reacting with craving or aversion.

I thought I no longer like city, yes it’s still chaotically too much traffic, crowded, fast-paced, busy, but I don’t mind anymore.

Travelling from here to there, city or country, developed or developing, crowded or deserted, hot or cold, doesn’t matter, they have no difference - impermanence, this will also change.


Life goes on

Everything is constantly changing. 

I wish I could love myself completely from moment to moment. Sometimes I forget about that, but it’s okay, this too shall pass.

It’s okay that things change, people change. But something is there forever, the unchangeable, the ultimate truth, the truth of life. It is always there, from moment to moment, every moment aware, every moment equanimous, awareness and equanimous, will get you to the ultimate truth, and ultimate peace.

It is love. The nature of life is love, heaven, nivarna, whatever name you give to it, doesn’t matter. The truth is the truth. 

Words is one of the ways I heal myself, and reconnect, so I’ve been writing a lot recently. I miss the old days sometimes, behind the scenes there are regrets which hurt sometimes. I thought I could be easy on myself, but apparently not all the time. Which is okay, because this will also change.

So I accept the reality now - I am having attachments , that makes me sad. People leave. I shall know all relationship has an end, that’s the law of nature. Every single one we met in our life, mean for a goodbye. 

It’s okay though. I know the sorrow will get weaker and weaker every time it comes, one day it will be all gone. Accept the reality from moment to moment, observe objectively. I’m glad I have a way out, with words, and vipassana meditation, I can always be back to the completeness and understanding of impermanence. Healing becomes easier. 

If these unpleasant sensations never shows, I will never be able to eradicate them from the deepest depths of my life. It’s good that this is happening, welcome, welcome. It’s really good, I have this chance to come out from my misery. Thank you so much, thank you.



It’s full moon today. It reminds me of someone. I once met a person who told me that, some people meditate for the whole night when it’s full moon, it’s one of their practices. The next day I saw him, I asked, “Did you meditate all night last night?” He smiled, shyly: “No! No.” And humbly, “it was a good sit though.”

My last full moon was magical. Four of us went to a bush walk to see the glow worm. It was a clear night, stars were above us, glow worm at the bottom, moonlight shinning on the branches and leaves. Every step we took is surrounded with Dhamma vibration - the law of nature. From moment to moment. As it is, as it is.

Even I am out of the place now, these little moments still give me the peaceful vibration, here and now, without any restrictions of space and time. So I know I am loved, and supported, as anyone else, even when I’m at the worst time - sad, feeling unworthy and down. But it will pass for sure, as everything else in the world.

Anicca. Anicca. Anicca.

You could never unlearn them, the seeds were planted deep inside, one day it will sprout, and grow. But I have to work, work hard to take care of it, diligently and persistently, so that it sprouts and grows. One day it becomes a tree, strong enough and no longer requires the care, then it returns with fruits and protection - from all the misery. 

So now I am home. With the seeds. It’s been a hard work, but I want to keep going. As everything else it’s hard to start off, but once the hard work is done it will become easy. I want to make this happen, to do this strong determination for a year. I want to keep growing on the path, for myself and all the beings. May I develop love and goodwill, peace and harmony, and share with all beings.  

接受当下的现实 - 我承认自己难过。在夜深人静的时候,在毫无防备的时候,这些悲伤偶尔袭来,说我不值得,我不被爱,我不够好。但它的力度越来越弱,也会越来越弱,有一天会被完全消融。因为它们不是事实。我知道真正的自己是什么,真相是什么。它们来的时候,会像乌云一样遮盖太阳,但就算乌云来了,太阳一直都在。就让它随风而散,最终离去。


I appreciate everyone who have/had shared their lives with me.  Those who are still here, thank you so much for being with me. It’s so important that you are here along my journey, even we might not see each other so often, or we are in very far distance - the moments we have/ had are beyond time and space, I can still feel it every now and then. Thank you for all the love.