

The beginning and end of something.

总是在11月4号这天开工。一连五年似乎都没有错过。除了第一年是bud thinning,剩下都是采花。因此对春天有了嗅觉记忆,就是kiwi花和果园的味道。


















Rain off

Been lying on bed for whole day, this is the first time in the day actually feeling okay to do something.


今天经痛,在床上躺了一整天。真的是一整天,没有动力做任何事。除了起来吃东西,去厕所放血,就一直在房间。其实从昨晚开始就很痛,痛到没有办法专心冥想,中途跑去厕所,很难对这个不愉悦的感受保持平等心。我察觉到自己lost my balance, but it was so hard. 

我想很多时候,可能我需要做的真的是be kind to myself吧。告诉自己it’s okay not to be okay sometimes. 



今天本来想做饼干,材料都买好了。也想写故事po instagram,后来还是被现实打败啦~~嘻嘻。

但是也没关系哦,也没有失去什么,今天好好休息了一整天,veli gud chukulut XD

现在听着祁紫檀的《双生光》,4年前,2019年大概8月,因为在youtube上听到这首歌,接下来演算法就推荐了双生紫焰的频道,从此走上了人生巅峰 XD 诶不是。。。是人生就发生了非常非常大的转变,真的是天翻地覆的那种。所以我很喜欢和感谢这首歌。本身就很高频。


现在的生活蛮ok的,没有特别努力做什么,感觉更像一种go with the flow的感觉,虽然酱讲很笼统啦,但感觉真的是哦,,顺顺去跟随罢了。脑袋有时候还是会帮我担心这个担心那个,现在越来越知道想法就只是想法,把想法还给想法,现实其实没有那么糟糕。我已经决定了11月会怎样,一切的生命轨迹就会朝着我想要的去实现,根本不用过于操心。显化原来这么简单,只是投射信念而已。所以能察觉到信念,才有机会成为超级玩家。我也还在努力,加油加油~





I just realised everything makes so much sense. Everyone I’ve met, everything I’ve encountered, everything has been reminding me the truth of nature. Yet I reacted so blindly. It never leaves! It’s always here. How could I not know?

I’m feeling too much love now. It’s fulfilling and, overwhelming. Relax, let it be, let it be. It is all within you, it’s you. 



Life’s been okay, could be better without all the negative thoughts, but there are getting lesser to be fair, mostly because I try to observe only without reacting or following them. Sometimes I still do, but could definitely feel more control on my side now, instead of drowning in the endless-overwhelming thoughts, which only lead to a bad vision.

The more I observe them, the more I realise thoughts is only thoughts. It doesn’t really mean anything. It should not define me, nor my reality. And they changing all the time. At this moment it might be thinking this way, and immediately change to another the next second. Weird, for my whole life I have been following these nonsenses. Good that I started to aware of it. Awareness, so I would have chance to come out of it.

I still feel worried about things that’s yet to happen, but more awareness along the way. Whenever I am lost in my own thoughts, there’s a chance I could come out of it.

What’s making this change? Probably Vipassana meditation (which takes 2 hours per day to practice), probably 不解释, or even the determination to know what life really is. So grateful for all the wisdom that comes to my life. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Besides that, I feel like sharing this change in me. Previously I have really strong clinging and ego when it comes to picking, that is contract job, so the more you pick the more you earn. I don’t like picking with other strangers because I always feel like they gonna earn the money that could have belonged to me. Even I was picking a lot, I don’t feel enough and always wanted more. How selfish and naive these thoughts are! All about “I”, “me”, “mine”, and how much suffering it had caused to this virtue “I”! Even I’ve earned a lot, I wasn’t in a peaceful state at all. The never fulfilled greed and desire brings so much misery in me.

This season, something has changed. I no longer feeling this! Maybe some moment the thought tried to sneak in, but very quickly I could be aware of it and just observe it without doing anything else. Then of course it goes away, in the law of nature. More than that I am feeling, there’s no point to fight against each other because everyone is me, I am everyone, so if someone got the benefit, means I got the benefit too. I have a clear picture I could easily manifest what I want without putting so much effort especially fighting to get the best row or picking lane. If anytime I lost the balance of mind, simply get back to observation and awareness, knowing everything is impermanent, so there’s no point I’m clinging for this changing situation. 

And I realise, that’s actually a liberations, from one of my sufferings.

There are more, of course. We have so uncountable clinging to so much. But this experience shows me there’s really a chance to come out of it. Don’t react with craving or aversion, do nothing, just observe, one day you’ll come out from ALL your miseries. 

Be patient, it takes time.

Better days are coming. 


Last day of rain

What is causing everything goes exactly the opposite direction that I wanted? Life is probably giving some hints.

Never ending lessons, probably because we never really learn our lessons. 


“You never know what is the best for you. But life does.”

Even I’m so confused right now, things doesn’t seem to work in my favour, deep down I know everything will be okay. Ups and downs are impermanent. Nothing lasts forever.


Meanwhile, keep your mind balanced. Pleasant or unpleasant, doesn’t matter as everything is changing. It’s okay if you feeling lost, just take a step back, slow down, have a rest. You don’t have to be rushing all the time in your life. You deserve a rest.

Today is the best day. It’s raining, perfect timing to stay at home and do nothing. Let everything happens. Allow everything happens. Observe, without generating craving or aversion. Let everything be how it is. Let them be.

Nothing really matters. It’s good that your awareness going deeper. Keep working. Keep observing. It takes time. Do not expect it to happen. Be patient. Be patient. 

Work diligently, diligently, patiently and persistently, patiently and persistently. 


Stop everything, take a deep breath. You deserve a day off from everything. Just rest.

It’s gonna be okay, it’s gonna be good.