I did not keep my mind balanced. It has been swinging lots, going through the ups and downs, too much attachment, I did not let anything go. I hold them too tight until i hurt myself. I am tired of doing this, yet could not help myself not doing such. I don’t know why I get myself into this situation where I could easily get away. What do I want from everything?
I crave too much. I averse too much. Nothing is holding me back but myself. What is happening? Is this all the old sankhara that I never noticed before? It is too much that I hardly keep my mind balanced. I forgot the right way, I don’t know what is life again? What is happening right now? I am so lost? I haven’t felt this for years.
你需要的只是一个静下来的时机。什么都不做。你什么都不做就会好了。你根本不需要去做什么。it is okay, everything is okay. You’re fine, you’re loved, you’re divine. It is okay to feel this. It is okay. It is okay.
You have nothing to worry about.
Take a rest. Take a day off. You deserve it. Don’t worry too much. Let it be. Let it be. Everything will come to you. The good ones, or bad ones. It is okay, they are all the same. Everything can be great, even the worst ones.